Your Party
Regardless of the size of your group, the Seder can be modified to suit your needs. We hope the ideas below will inspire you as you plan your Passover for Christians Seder.

Family/Friend Seders
In our opinion, hosting your family and friends is the best way to Celebrate Passover. It's intimate, conversational and special. Our hope is that you make this a family tradition every year prior to Resurrection Sunday.

Most LifeGroups or Bible Study Groups celebrate Passover for Christians Seders in homes. Using rectangular foldout tables are a great way to fit everyone into a common space. Ordering Take-Out or Potluck is a good way to go in these circumstances.

Bible Study Groups

Big Groups/Churches
Churches celebrating Passover for Christians tend to leverage their space by bringing in tables. In these bigger groups, it helps to have a main table that conducts the readings and everyone follows along. If you are interested in hosting a Seder for your church, please contact us for materials to help you facilitate this.